Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Now, lets take a look at my 'organs'. Hope you enjoy... ...

Feature 1

V-shaped valleys
I am a deep valley with very steep, almost vertical sides. I am formed by vertical erosion due to the strong force of water cutting deeply downwards. I am usually found in the upper course of a river where there are hard rocks.

Ans: I am a v-shaped valley.

Feature 2
I am a small channel in the delta. I am formed when the main river has to force its way through the thick alluvium that has been deposited by splitting up. Once formed, I flow into the sea and don’t ever join up with the main rivers again.
Ans: I am the distributaries

Feature 3
Delta & Distributaries
I am the fan-shaped piece of land formed at the mouth of a river by deposition. I am made up of alluvium that builds up on gently-sloping land at the shallow river mouth. This is because the force of the water is very weak when the river flows into the shallow costal waters, thereby depositing the alluvium that it is carrying. I can only form if the river erodes a lot in its upper course so that it has a large load. I grow bigger over time because the tides, waves and currents carrying alluvium away are weak so that more alluvium is deposited than removed.   Ans: I am the delta.   Feature 4   I am a depression formed in the softer rocks at the foot of the waterfall. I am formed by the swirling action of water falling vertically over a band of hard rocks from a great height, causing the load carried by the water to cut into the softer rocks Ans: I am a plunge pool.

Feature 5
 I am a steep slope found mostly in the middle course, on the concave bank of a meander. I am formed by the faster flowing of water cutting flow into the bank. As I am formed, the meander shifts its position sideways. 
Ans: Waterfall
Now on a more formal tone… … Narrow V-shaped valleys and Interlocking Spurs             Now let me share with you how v-shaped valleys and interlocking spurs are formed… I’m kinda certain that this formation will capture your attention. A narrow v-shaped valley is found at my *head and it flows through my *gullet with steep gradient. The formation of the v-shaped starts in my *forehead where small streams starts to develop. I really admire the v-shaped valley as it displays the value of perseverance. Despite the small amount of energy, it begins to erode the landscape. The stream cuts vertically down my *face!  A 'v' shape is formed and vertical erosion creates the narrow valley. When this happens, there is very little lateral erosion taking place. With only vertical erosion taking place, new slopes are created. The edges of my face’s new slopes are called 'spurs.' Interlocking spurs are ridge of more resistant rock around me is forced to wind as it passes downstream in my head interlocking spurs form where I am forced to swing side to side around these more resistant ridges. As Rome wasn’t built in one day, this feature takes many years to be fully developed. Head: The author tries to describe the river as a human. The metaphor ‘head’ is to describe the upper course of the river. Gullet: ‘Gullet’ refers to the narrow channel in the river. Forehead: Uplands areas are describe as ‘forehead’ as they are found near to the top of the river course. Face: ‘Face’ in this context refers to the hillside.                                                                                                                                       Rapids and Waterfalls Introducing the next feature in ‘living’ in my head… … …          Explanation: The *‘waterfalls gang’ are usually found in my head. They usually *lay their “foundations” where a band of hard rocks lie next to soft rocks. They may often start as rapids. Water flows over the hard rock and thus the soft rock below the hard rock is eroded, leaving the hard rock elevated. The step is thus formed and continues to develop as the river continues to flow over the hard rock as a vertical drop.  As the river erodes the soft rock the drop gets steeper and a plunge pool forms at the bottom of the waterfall. The erosion undercuts the hard rock. Over time, the soft rock erodes more causing the unsupported hard rocks to fall, and as a result enlarging the plunge pool. The rocks that fall into the plunge pool will continue to enlarge the pool by processes such as abrasion as they swirled around. A steep sided valley known as the gorge is left behind as the process continues. Waterfalls gang: The author used this expression to convey a message that most all the waterfalls are found in the upper course. He uses the word ‘gang’ to show quantity.                     Lay their foundations: The word ‘foundation’ refers to the ground a person owns. The author hence associates this word with houses. This means that the waterfalls treat the upper course of the river as their home. Meanders Now it comes to my favourite one!!!=) This is because I can control the erosion and deposition!!!!  I am at my peak when it comes to meanders! Explanation: Meanders are found at my *legs!!! :) Meanders are form when erosion occurs when my water flow is moving to the side. I will erode the outer bends to form river cliffs and deposits sediments at the inner bends to form slip-off slopes. Over time, the shape of the meander becomes even more pronounced due to the depositional and erosional processes that occur on its bends. Legs: Legs are found in the lower part of the human body. The same logic applies. ‘Legs’ refers to the lower course of the river!!! Floodplains and Levees My power is full when it rains, I am at my peak and the most powerful during that time… Explanation: When it rains heavily, I will overflow the channel and the water from me will overflow onto the flat valley floor. Sediments are carried in the water. Over time, the layers of sediments will build up to form a floodplain. And, if anyone were to attack me, I will whip them with the power of my water bending!!! Analysis: The author has a sense of humour in which he demonstrated in both the first and last sentence. The phrase ‘water bending’ has been taken from the movie ‘the last air bender’. Deltas Explanation: A delta is a landform located at my *toes that flows into an ocean, sea, lake or reservoirs.  When I reach a sea or a lake, the energy of me will slow down as I’m *tired after a long journey. Therefore, I will  be very *generous to deposit the sediments there .Over time, due to the fact that the currents of the sea are not powerful enough, the layers of sedimentary will eventually build up into fertile soil, clogging up the river, causing the river is forced to divide into distributaries. The distributaries can become blocked up and divided again. Thus, the sediments in the river will build up to form a delta. Analysis: Toes: Toes refers to the mouth of the rivers The writer has demonstrated his creativity when he uses the word ‘tired’ and ‘generous’. These two words are the characteristics of human being. So as to influence the readers that the river is human, the writer uses these words on the river. Obviously the river isn’t tired and generous at all!!! Its just the less flowing energy that causes the river to slow down.

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