Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hey there! I am the Huang He, commonly known as the Yellow River =). Being named as the "the cradle of the chinese civilizations", I'm the 2nd largest river in China and the 7th largest in the whole wide world, my *body stretch a very long distance of 5,954km starting from the Bayan Harshan Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in western China until it empties into the Bo Hai Gulf. My name "Yellow River" describes the yellow colour muddy water in the lower course of me. Its colour naturally comes from the loess suspended in the water. Now you see, I'm so UNIQUE!!!

I have different *organs in my body! I'm sure you are interested to find out about the different parts of my body. So what are you waiting for? Lets go on to the next post and explore =D!!! Plus, get to find out how I interact with the environment...


Body: The word "body" is a metaphor used to refer to the long stretch of the river. This is because the author is trying to describe the river as a human, having the same body parts a normal person has.

Organs: "Organs" is a word used to refer to the various main features of the river.

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