Friday, August 27, 2010


Group Members

This blog expresses the feelings the Yellow River feels on various activities. There are lots of metaphor used. Each metaphor used differently based on the preferences of each individual writer. Hence, the readers should interpret the blog instead of reading it straight.

Note: The blogs isn't arrange in order. Please go according to this order as stated below.

1.   Introduction to the blog
2.  Power of Running Water
3.  All about me
4.  Inter-relationship between Yellow River and the People
5. Who Am I?
6.  Sources.


In order to understand the Yellow River, you need to briefly understand the basics. Here is the basics you should know:

The course of a river refers to the path along which it flows. The river winds round the hard rocks in the upper course and lower course. The river winds round hard rocks in the upper course but less winding in the middle course and the lower course. The river winds more in the middle course, forming big curves called meanders. It is extremely winding or meandering in the lower course.

The features found along a river’s course depend on whether erosion or deposition is more dominant. Erosion is the process whereby the rivers breaks down rocks and carries or transports them away. The rocks are eventually broken down to fine sand and silt, known as alluvium. Some rocks are broken down when their minerals are dissolved by the running water. All the rocks, sand and silt and dissolved minerals carried by the river are termed the load of the river. The heavier materials are left behind when the water flow is slow. The process by which heavier materials are left behind is termed deposition.

Because of erosion, the river craves out a lowland area in the highlands termed a river valley. The valley is the work of the running water. How deep or wide a valley is depends on the force of water, which is determined by the speed of the water flow, and the slope of the land it is flowing through.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hey there! I am the Huang He, commonly known as the Yellow River =). Being named as the "the cradle of the chinese civilizations", I'm the 2nd largest river in China and the 7th largest in the whole wide world, my *body stretch a very long distance of 5,954km starting from the Bayan Harshan Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in western China until it empties into the Bo Hai Gulf. My name "Yellow River" describes the yellow colour muddy water in the lower course of me. Its colour naturally comes from the loess suspended in the water. Now you see, I'm so UNIQUE!!!

I have different *organs in my body! I'm sure you are interested to find out about the different parts of my body. So what are you waiting for? Lets go on to the next post and explore =D!!! Plus, get to find out how I interact with the environment...


Body: The word "body" is a metaphor used to refer to the long stretch of the river. This is because the author is trying to describe the river as a human, having the same body parts a normal person has.

Organs: "Organs" is a word used to refer to the various main features of the river.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wait a minute! Do you understand the meaning of inter-relationship? If you don't, then here it is:

Inter-relationship refers to the two-way link/connections between or among 2 or more things. There is a close inter-relationship between people and the environment, because the activities of people impact the environment but the same time, the environment influxes the way people live.


I have always been very useful to men in all parts of the earth since very early times. I provide water to slake the thirst of men, to fertilize their lands and to provide a means of communication for the goods that transport from place to place. This shows the importance of my exsistance. The purposes of me will be discussed below:
How people has impacted me!!!

Positive Impacts - See the human potential??

The quality of my performance is indescribable. I've performed many functions along the stretch of it. The 8 main functions are identified below:

  1. Irrigation
  2. Generating hydro-electric power
  3. Recreation
  4. Source of food
  5. Domestic uses
  6. Farming
  7. Industrial use
  8. Transport

A dam is built across the river. A reservoir is then built behind the dam. I am, thus, reduced in size downstream. Channels are built to channel the my flow to the farmlands.

Generation of hydro-electric power

A dam is built across the me. A reservoir or artificial lake is created. I am, thus, reduced in size downstream. As a result, power stations, power lines and roads are built.

Recreational facilities and roads are sometimes built on the river banks, causing natural vegetation to be cleared. Fishing ports may develop at the my mouths(river mouths).

Source of food
Natural vegetation may be cleared for building roads. Fishing ports may develop at the my mouths(river mouths).

Natural vegetation is cleared. Farmlands are created. Roads, railways and settlements are built.

Industrial Uses
Natural vegetation is cleared for building factories, roads and railways. Over time, ports or cities sometimes develop.

Mychannel(river channel) is sometimes widened. My channels are sometimes straightened. Dykes are sometimes built to strengthen the river to prevent flooding.

Negative Impact - Humans are just so bad after all!!!

Damming – Obstructing the flow of me for energy production, to create a lake, or to control the levels of the water. Hey! that's inconsiderate! Damming can be a great renewable resource for power, but it may destroy my ecosystems downstream. Damming can also be an effective flood control measure to ensure towns and neighborhoods are safe. Dams can obstruct the path of migratory fish and disrupt the life cycle of many different aquatic organisms. Just because of this stupid stuff inside of me, life cycle have to be disrupted...

Channelizing – Modifying a me into a pattern other than what may be its natural meandering. This can have a major effect on floodplains. I think we can conclude that humans don't have emotions.

Dumping – Discarding materials into me. Any chemical, such as car oil or antifreeze, poured down a storm drain will flow directly me. Many people don’t realize this water isn’t “cleaned” before it runs right into a natural waterway. "No brainer", humans are so smart to event all different kinds of technology but doesn't know if the water is clean!!! This is the irony of mankind.

Re"creation – Activities done for relaxation or enjoyment. Examples of river recreation are driving ATVs, riding horses, walking a dog, fishing from a boat, or simply having a picnic. All of these activities could have a negative impact to river wildlife if not done carefully. And, obviously it isn't done carefully. No human is infallible.

Littering – "Careless" disposal of trash and waste. As if it was careless. Humans are just a big lump of lazybums!

Domestic Animals - Waste from livestock can be washed into me, adding excessive nutrients and illness causing bacteria. Pet waste can also be a problem, but they are more likely to impact the wildlife of the me by chasing or hunting.

Invasive species – When species from far away are introduced into a new area it can have devastating effects. An invasive species is one that spreads into and throughout the habitat and locations of an environment, taking over other species. One alien, invasive species can totally wipe out a native species, change how the ecosystem functions, and reduce biodiversity of the area. But, as I said, humans have no emotions.
How I have impacted Humans
Positive Impacts
Early settlements of the Chinese settled there for the fertile soil that the I've provided for the people, for the water to water the crops, drinking, cooking, and washing up of things and waterway. I'm sure I'm very nice and generous!!! It is also a bringer of commerce. Ships of many sizes still sail up and down the river, just as they have done for centuries. Yup, I'm so popular...

The Chinese had used the river water from right in the middle to make tea before the river was too polluted to drink. I've really benefited the people in many ways. What an achievement!!! =)

One of the most resourceful uses of the river occurred during World War II when the Chinese troops under Chiang Kai-Shek broke the levees on me to flood a valley and stop the advance of invading Japanese troops. Ouch, but I helped a lot in that area. Resulting to a massive flood and the death toll of the invaders topped 900,000. I'm the best battlefield to fight on!!!

When not a single drop of rain fall has fallen in months and the only clouds come from sandstorms lashing across the desert, where the I bends, there is life.However, now the earthly paradise is disappearing fast.

NEGATIVE IMPACTS- Since humans did so many bad things to me, its time for revenge! HAHA!!!

The untimely and devastating flooding of me, it destroys the crops of the farmers, destroys the houses of the people, and their lives.

The river has been a source of life and death (in the form of new soil and floods).The worst flood in written history occurred in 1931. Between July and November of that year, the river overflowed its banks, flooding about 34,000 square miles of land completely and about 8,000 square miles partially. This is how powerful I am.

The entire villages and huge amounts of agriculture and farmland were washed away. About 80 million people were left homeless and nearly 1 million people died in the flood itself and in the famines and epidemics that resulted from the flooding.

The proliferation of factories, farms, and cities—all products of China's spectacular economic boom are sucking me dry. Help!!! I am indicative of the harms affecting many of China's rivers.

Pollution, hydropower, and intensive water extraction for human consumption, agriculture, and industrial use are all taking their toll on the river.

Chinese government estimates that around two-thirds of my water is too polluted to drink. According to the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, a Beijing-based NGO, 4.3 billion tons of waste flowed into the Yellow River in 2005.

A canal, which empties into mewhich was once full with fishes and turtles, now its water is too toxic to use even for irrigation; animals died within hours of drinking from the canal.

Around 30% of fish species in the river are believed to have become extinct and the river's fish catch declined by 40%.

Now... For all the bad things mankind has done to me....
A poem dedicated to the humans...

The humans rule today, but in time

but they shall dissolve this human

life form and become dust upon

the ground, back to the earth

they shall try to grow and bring back their life,

only to become the victim

Because the humans throw their trash upon my back,

Defecate upon my body without any

considerations to my existence,

You have forgotten all that I share with


The life giving foods, the air you breathe,

The water you drink, all the colors for your pleasure

and still you spit into my face

You think you are so supreme with your great technology,

abilities to travel to other planets while your own planet is being

destroyed by your narcissistic and self absorbed draining of

all my resources that I freely gave to you.

This will end and soon I shall stop my giving of

life, your species shall dissipate and again we will

start over once more and replenish the earth - shall

we allow humans to again grow and try to teach

them once more?

Perhaps some day they will learn before they are given

no more chances.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Now, lets take a look at my 'organs'. Hope you enjoy... ...

Feature 1

V-shaped valleys
I am a deep valley with very steep, almost vertical sides. I am formed by vertical erosion due to the strong force of water cutting deeply downwards. I am usually found in the upper course of a river where there are hard rocks.

Ans: I am a v-shaped valley.

Feature 2
I am a small channel in the delta. I am formed when the main river has to force its way through the thick alluvium that has been deposited by splitting up. Once formed, I flow into the sea and don’t ever join up with the main rivers again.
Ans: I am the distributaries

Feature 3
Delta & Distributaries
I am the fan-shaped piece of land formed at the mouth of a river by deposition. I am made up of alluvium that builds up on gently-sloping land at the shallow river mouth. This is because the force of the water is very weak when the river flows into the shallow costal waters, thereby depositing the alluvium that it is carrying. I can only form if the river erodes a lot in its upper course so that it has a large load. I grow bigger over time because the tides, waves and currents carrying alluvium away are weak so that more alluvium is deposited than removed.   Ans: I am the delta.   Feature 4   I am a depression formed in the softer rocks at the foot of the waterfall. I am formed by the swirling action of water falling vertically over a band of hard rocks from a great height, causing the load carried by the water to cut into the softer rocks Ans: I am a plunge pool.